Fiona Cameron

Prof. Cameron has a PhD on gene regulation from Macquarie University with a productive research career with the CSIRO of over 20 years in the areas of gene regulation, gene delivery, drug formulation and gene therapy. Prof. Cameron has also published in the field of antibiotic resistance. She worked in research management of the CSIRO Nanotechnology Emerging Science area and the CSIRO National Flagship for Food Futures, before running the Innovation and Consulting unit at the University of Western Sydney. Her subsequent role was Executive Director for Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at the Australian Research Council, where Prof. Cameron was additionally responsible for the major grants schemes (Centres of Excellence, Industrial Transformation Research Program, Special Research Initiatives).
She now sits on a number of advisory boards of ARC and other research Centres, and the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee. Prof. Cameron works as a consultant in the higher education sector and has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors course.