Sigfredo Fuentes

University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Sigfredo Fuentes is researcher in The Digital Agriculture & Food Sciences (DAFW) Research Group in the School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences. Faculty of Science at The University of Melbourne, Distinguished Visiting Professor at The Faculty of Engineering of The Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico) and holds the position of international coordinator for The Vineyard of The Future Initiative.
Sigfredo’s primary research and teaching interests revolve around the utilization and development of cutting-edge instrumentation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for plant physiology research, digital agriculture, biometrics from humans for sensory science, and animals for welfare and identification assessment. These novel digital technologies using non-invasive remote sensing for plants and biometrics for humans will support the development and refinement of plant-based products for Plants for Space.
Sigfredo’s research easily excites high levels of public interest and will provide an excellent vehicle to communicate with and engage school students and the community about P4S.
“I could not go to Space without a variety of food and beverages to avoid menu fatigue. The P4S research is one giant leap toward making long-term space exploration a delicious and nutritious reality. We are excited to be at the forefront of this cosmic culinary adventure, bringing us one step closer to reaching for the stars by having a stellar menu for the astronauts of the future”